How do you now where to start? You know the old adage Location, Location, Location? That is your starting point.
More important than what city do you want to live in, is what community do you want to live in? Did you envision neighborhood cookouts and block parties, waving to the neighbors on a cool spring night, or watching your children ride bikes with their neighborhood friends? Or did you want an upbeat, 20 something, hip young neighborhood?
Once you have decided that, you start your search. Ideally, driving around and seeing the neighborhoods in person is the best way. Take time to chat with a few people in the perspective neighborhood. Find out about the Home Owners Association, local schools, and other things that only an insider would know. Take note of any homes for sale in the area that appeal to you.
When you have narrowed your search down to 3 or 4 neighborhoods, it is time to call a licensed Realtor...but be prepared, they will have questions for you. How many bedrooms and bathrooms, square footage, large year or small, Budget, time frame, pool, floor plan preferences.
Just a note, many times, what a buyer thinks they are looking for is not what they end up with. Sometimes, priorities have to be rearranged because of budgets, or they simply find what they thought they wanted is just not important. Go into any viewing with an open mind.
Also, be sure to pay attention to the home, not the furnishings. Many times buyers see rooms as small or dark but do not take into consideration the easy changes that can be made. HGTV has many shows dedicated to helping sellers stage their homes for buyers. A little paint, some nice pieces of furniture, and a few pictures on the wall make all the difference. But it is still the same house and these are easy changes a buyer can make too.
Lastly, have fun!